Build STALK chat widget and start HTTP Server

STALK Chat Widget is a script file to be displayed as a widget of a web page that will be for customers to visit. The generated Javascript, CSS file, can it so as to provide a service raised to another Web server.

1. STALK Chat Widget Installation

  // Install GULP build tool
  $ sudo npm install -g gulp

  // Download and build
  $ git clone
  $ cd
  $ npm install
  $ gulp widget

  // watching /src for developing client files (OPTIONAL)
  $ gulp watch

After execute gulp widget command, it will generate widget.js in ./www folder. You can add chat widget in your site using the the generated files

2. Starting web server

  // Start web server, port 80
  $ sudo node web.js

3. Add script in your web site.

    window.stalkConfig = {
        api_server: '', /* URL of STALK Admin Server */
        id: 'a80857e6-7d3e-11e5-8bcf-feff819cdc9f' /* Application ID (generated by STALK Admin Server) */
<script src="http://localhost/widget.js"></script>

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