Install and start XPUSH chat server

Based on the XPUSHmodule,XPUSH-CHATwith built-in real-time chat function will be responsible for sending and receiving real time messages of STALK` service.

XPUSH - CHAT must be partitioned into Session Server and Channel Server and executed.

  • Channel Server: As a server that handles the transmission and reception of actual real-time messages, many clients connect to Channel Server and send and receive messages in real time. Channel Server needs to be added and executed as more users are connected.
  • Session Server: It is responsible for authenticating the connected user and deciding which server among distributed distributed channel servers to connect to and distributing it.

1. XPUSH CHAT Installation

Download the source from github and install the necessary node module for npm install.

  $ git clone
  $ cd xpush-chat
  $ npm install

2. Create a configuration file

In order to run XPUSH - CHAT server,XPUSH - CHAT must use zookeeper, redis, mongodb addresses in the configuration file.

  $ vi config.json
    // Your zookeeper address
    "zookeeper": {"address":""},

    // Your redis address
    "redis": {"address":""},

    // Your mongo db address
    "mongodb": {"address":""}

3. Run Session Server

  $ bin/session-server --config ./config.json --port 8000

4. Run Channel Server

  $ bin/channel-server --config ./config.json --port 9000

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